
A simple notification service

Building the Hedwig app

The Hedwig app is written in React Native and can easily be built from source.

The Hedwig app is written in React Native and can easily be built from source. First, if you haven’t already, clone the Hedwig repository. If you don’t know how to use Git, Atlassian has some nice tutorial here. Next, install Node.js and NPM. They install together, and you can get the latest version at the Node.js website.

You can then install the Expo CLI with NPM:

$ npm install -g expo-cli

Then, cd into the hedwig-app directory. You can then install dependencies with NPM:

$ npm install

To start a development server, you can then run

$ npm start

To build a production version, first, use the Expo CLI to sign in. You can then trigger an iOS or Android build.

$ expo login # log into expo
$ expo build:ios # build an iOS version
$ expo build:android # build an Android version