
🛷 Secret Santa for friend groups

Sleighride Server

This is the Sleighride server! It’s written in go, and can be configured very easily. To follow these steps, you must install The Go Programming Language and Roamer. Instructions can be found on the linked pages.

First configure Roamer by running roamer setup. This will create a roamer.local.toml file. Modify that file to connect to a database. Right now, MySQL is the only supported database.

Next, run roamer upgrade. This will properly format the database according to the most current schema.

After that, create a .env file. This file stores the secrets for the application. It should follow this format:


SECRET is the secret string used for signing cookies. This should be randomly generated and kept a secret! DSN is the data-source name. It should follow the format user:password@host:port/database. You can use tcp to force a connection with TCP. SECRET_CODE is the code that you can share with your friends to make sure that they’re the correct people joining. Don’t mix up SECRET and SECRET_CODE!. CORS is the list of allowed origins (though right now it only supports one).

Next, install the application with go install, and run it with sleighride-server. I’d recommend setting up a systemd service to keep Sleighride running on the server, but I won’t go into that here. There are numerous tutorials online.