
🛫 A simple program for redirecting stdout and stdin to the network.


A simple program for redirecting stdout and stdin to network ports.

Go version Latest release License


⚠️ bash is used in this example just as a simple program. You should not use bash or another shell with airport, as it will expose your computer over the network.

Using airport is super simple. It takes one argument, the command to run. For example:

$ airport /bin/bash

Then, in another terminal window:

$ nc localhost 8080
cat hello.txt
Hello, world

To specify a port, simply use the address flag.

$ airport --address :1234 /bin/bash

As of right now, stdin and stdout are redirected over the network, while stderr is output to the local computer’s stderr. If you want you can change this with the --redirectStderr flag, for example:

$ airport --address :1234 --redirectStderr /bin/bash


$ airport --help
Usage of airport:
  -address string
        the address to listen on (default ":8080")
        redirects stderr over the network